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BJCP Beer Entrance Exam
BJCP Practice Exam Questions (BJCP_Practice_English) -- This is a free 20 question practice version of the BJCP Entrance Exam to help prospective judges evaluate their readiness for the exam. There is a 6 minute time limit.  To take this free exam, click the "Add to Cart" button and proceed to Checkout, ignoring the message about calling for details about the price.

Price: Call for details
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BJCP Entrance Exam - English (BJCP2015) -- 
Welcome to the BJCP Entrance Exam based on the 2021 BJCP Style Guidelines! This version permits one exam attempt for a $10 registration fee.  The key materials on which the exam are based are the BJCP Study Guide and the 2021 BJCP Style Guidelines. Both these are available for free on our website,, along with other materials related to beer judging, beer styles and beer competitions.

Upon completion of the exam, you will be informed whether or not you passed. Those passing the exam are Provisional judges, and they must take the BJCP Beer Judging Exam within one year of passing the Entrance Exam or start over. They will also need to print a copy of their certificate to show to the administrator of the Beer Judging Exam as proof of their passing the Entrance Exam.

Price: $10.00
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BJCP Entrance Exam - 3 for 2 Option - English (BJCP2015_3for2) -- 
Welcome to the web-based BJCP Entrance Exam!  This version of the Entrance Exam gives the examinee the option of taking the exam up to three (3) times for a one time payment of $20.  The examinee retains the same userid for each retake of the exam, but there will be a different assortment of random questions to create three unique exams.  This exam option is ideal for those who think they may need more than one attempt to pass the exam, but note that we cannot offer partial refunds to those who pass the exam in fewer than 3 attempts.

Price: $20.00
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BJCP Entrance Exam - Extended Time Version (BJCP2015X) -- Welcome to the web-based BJCP Entrance Exam! This version of the Entrance Exam provides a 30 minute time extension to compensate for disabilities or if English is a second language and the exam is not available in your native language. Please contact the BJCP Exam Directors at to obtain the registration code for this exam. Please provide justification for your request.

Price: $10.00
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BJCP Entrance Exam - Extended Time Version (BJCPX_3for2) -- Welcome to the online BJCP Entrance Exam! This version of the Entrance Exam gives 3 attempts for the price of 2 and provides a 30 minute time extension to compensate for disabilities or if English is a second language and the exam is not available in your native language. Please contact the BJCP Exam Directors at to obtain the registration code for this exam. Please provide justification for your request.

Price: $20.00
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BJCP Cider Entrance Exam
BJCP Cider Entrance Exam (BJCP_Cider_2019) -- Welcome to the web-based BJCP Cider Entrance Exam! This version permits one exam attempt for each unique userid per $10 registration fee. The key materials on which the exam are based are the BJCP Study Guide and the BJCP Cider Style Guidelines. Both these are available for free on our website,, along with other materials related to judging, styles and competitions. 

Upon completion of this exam, you will be informed whether or not you passed. Those passing the exam are Provisional Cider judges, and they must take the BJCP Cider Judging Exam within one year of passing the BJCP Cider Entrance Exam or start over. They will also need to print a copy of their certificate to show to the administrator of the Cider Judging Exam as proof of their passing this Entrance Exam.

Price: $10.00
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BJCP Cider Entrance Exam (BJCP_Cider_2019_3for2) -- Welcome to the web-based BJCP Cider Entrance Exam!  This version of the Entrance Exam gives the examinee the option of taking the exam up to three (3) times for a one time payment of $20.  The examinee retains the same userid for each retake of the exam, but there will be a different assortment of random questions to create three unique exams.  This exam option is ideal for those who think they may need more than one attempt to pass the exam, but note that we cannot offer partial refunds to those who pass the exam in fewer than 3 attempts.

Price: $20.00
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BJCP Cider Entrance Exam - Extended Time Version (BJCP_Cider_2019_3for2X) -- Welcome to the web-based BJCP Cider Entrance Exam - Extended Time Version!  This version of the Entrance Exam gives the examinee the option of taking the exam up to three (3) times for a one time payment of $20.

The examinee retains the same userid for each retake of the exam, but there will be a different assortment of random questions to create three unique exams.  This exam option is ideal for those who think they may need more than one attempt to pass the exam, but note that we cannot offer partial refunds to those who pass the exam in fewer than 3 attempts.

This version of the Entrance Exam provides a 30 minute time extension to compensate for disabilities or if English is a second language and the exam is not available in your native language. Please contact the BJCP Exam Directors at to obtain the registration code for this exam. Please provide justification for your request.

Price: $20.00
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BJCP Cider Entrance Exam - Extended Time Version (BJCP_Cider_2019X) -- Welcome to the web-based BJCP Cider Entrance Exam - Extended Time Version! This version permits one exam attempt for each unique userid per $10 registration fee.

The key materials on which the exam are based are the BJCP Study Guide and the BJCP Cider Style Guidelines. Both these are available for free on our website,, along with other materials related to judging, styles and competitions. 

Upon completion of this exam, you will be informed whether or not you passed. Those passing the exam are Provisional Cider judges, and they must take the BJCP Cider Judging Exam within one year of passing the BJCP Cider Entrance Exam or start over. They will also need to print a copy of their certificate to show to the administrator of the Cider Judging Exam as proof of their passing this Entrance Exam.

This version of the Entrance Exam provides a 30 minute time extension to compensate for disabilities or if English is a second language and the exam is not available in your native language. Please contact the BJCP Exam Directors at to obtain the registration code for this exam. Please provide justification for your request.

Price: $10.00
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BJCP Mead Entrance Exam
BJCP Mead Entrance Exam (BJCP_Mead) -- 
Welcome to the web-based BJCP Mead Entrance Exam!  This version permits one exam attempt for each unique userid per $10 registration fee.  The key materials on which the exam are based are the BJCP Study Guide and the BJCP Mead Style Guidelines.  Both these are available for free on our website,, along with other materials related beer judging, styles and competitions.

Upon completion of this exam, you will be informed whether or not you passed.  Those passing the exam are Provisional Mead judges, and they must take the BJCP Mead Judging Exam within one year of passing the BJCP Mead Entrance Exam or start over.  They will also need to print a copy of their certificate to show to the administrator of the Mead Judging Exam as proof of their passing this Entrance Exam.

Price: $10.00
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BJCP Mead Entrance Exam (BJCP_Mead_3for2) -- 
Welcome to the web-based BJCP Mead Entrance Exam!  This version of the Entrance Exam gives the examinee the option of taking the exam up to three (3) times for a one time payment of $20.  The examinee retains the same userid for each retake of the exam, but there will be a different assortment of random questions to create three unique exams.  This exam option is ideal for those who think they may need more than one attempt to pass the exam, but note that we cannot offer partial refunds to those who pass the exam in fewer than 3 attempts.

Price: $20.00
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BJCP Mead Entrance Exam - Extended Time Version (BJCP_Mead_3for2X) -- 
Welcome to the web-based BJCP Mead Entrance Exam - Extended time version!  This version of the Entrance Exam gives the examinee the option of taking the exam up to three (3) times for a one time payment of $20. 

The examinee retains the same userid for each retake of the exam, but there will be a different assortment of random questions to create three unique exams.  This exam option is ideal for those who think they may need more than one attempt to pass the exam, but note that we cannot offer partial refunds to those who pass the exam in fewer than 3 attempts.
This version of the Entrance Exam provides a 30 minute time extension to compensate for disabilities or if English is a second language and the exam is not available in your native language. Please contact the BJCP Exam Directors at to obtain the registration code for this exam. Please provide justification for your request.

Price: $20.00
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BJCP Mead Entrance Exam - Extended Time Version (BJCP_MeadX) -- 
Welcome to the web-based BJCP Mead Entrance Exam - Extended Time Version!  This version permits one exam attempt for each unique userid per $10 registration fee.  The key materials on which the exam are based are the BJCP Study Guide and the BJCP Mead Style Guidelines.  Both these are available for free on our website,, along with other materials related beer judging, styles and competitions.

Upon completion of this exam, you will be informed whether or not you passed.  Those passing the exam are Provisional Mead judges, and they must take the BJCP Mead Judging Exam within one year of passing the BJCP Mead Entrance Exam or start over.  They will also need to print a copy of their certificate to show to the administrator of the Mead Judging Exam as proof of their passing this Entrance Exam.

This version of the Entrance Exam provides a 30 minute time extension to compensate for disabilities or if English is a second language and the exam is not available in your native language. Please contact the BJCP Exam Directors at to obtain the registration code for this exam. Please provide justification for your request.

Price: $10.00
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Exam Protest
Exam Protest (Exam_Protest) -- 

Although extremely rare, there have been occasions where an examinee felt the assigned score was unreasonably low. In these cases, the examinee is entitled to file a protest using the process outlined here:

The first step for initiating the protest process is for the examinee to send an email to the ED of record for the exam.  The name of the ED can be found at the bottom of the first page of the Report to Participant (RTP), and the email address of the ED can be found here:  The email must identify a basis for the protest, provide the date and location of the exam, and include the exam ID located at the top of the RTP.

The ED will email a response that provides a validation code that will enable the examinee to register the Exam Protest and submit the required US $20 fee.

Price: $20.00
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Exámenes españolas
Examen de Admisión del BJCP (BJCP_ESP_2015) -- ¡Bienvenido al Examen de Admisión del BJCP basado en la web! Los materiales principales en que se basa el examen son la guía de estudio del BJCP y la guía de estilos del BJCP. Ambos están disponibles de forma libre en nuestro sitio web,, junto con otros materiales relacionados al juzgamiento de cerveza, estilos de cerveza y competencias de cerveza. Este examen esta calibrado para ser aproximadamente tan difícil de pasar como la versión anterior del Examen del BJCP.

Una vez finalizado el examen, se le informara si esta o no aprobado. Aquellos que aprueben el examen son jueces provisionales, y deberán tomar el examen de juzgamiento de  cerveza BJCP dentro del año de haber pasado el examen de admisión o empezar de nuevo. También tendrán que imprimir una copia de su certificado para mostrar al administrador del Examen de Juzgamiento de Cerveza, como prueba de que pasó el examen de admisión.  ¡Buena suerte, y les deseamos éxito en este examen y en su búsqueda para convertirse en un juez BJCP!

Price: $10.00
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Examen de Admisión del BJCP: 3 por 2 Opción (BJCP_ESP_2015_3por2) -- ¡Bienvenido al Examen de Admisión del BJCP basado en la web! Esta versión de la prueba de acceso permite la opción de tomar el examen hasta tres (3) veces por un pago único de $20. El juez mantiene el mismo ID de usuario para cada uno volver a tomar la prueba, pero habrá un diferentes preguntas al azar a crear tres exámenes únicos. Esta opción es ideal para aquellos que piensan que pueden necesitar más de un intento para aprobar el examen.

Los materiales principales en que se basa el examen son la guía de estudio del BJCP y la guía de estilos del BJCP. Ambos están disponibles de forma libre en nuestro sitio web,, junto con otros materiales relacionados al juzgamiento de cerveza, estilos de cerveza y competencias de cerveza. Este examen esta calibrado para ser aproximadamente tan difícil de pasar como la versión anterior del Examen del BJCP.

Una vez finalizado el examen, se le informara si esta o no aprobado. Aquellos que aprueben el examen son jueces provisionales, y deberán tomar el examen de juzgamiento de cerveza BJCP dentro del año de haber pasado el examen de admisión o empezar de nuevo. También tendrán que imprimir una copia de su certificado para mostrar al administrador del Examen de Juzgamiento de Cerveza, como prueba de que pasó el examen de admisión. ¡Buena suerte, y les deseamos éxito en este examen y en su búsqueda para convertirse en un juez BJCP!

Price: $20.00
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Ejemplos de Preguntas del BJCP Examen (BJCP_Preguntas_Espanol) -- Esta es una versión de práctica de 20 preguntas libres del Examen de Admisión del BJCP  para ayudar a los futuros jueces a evaluar su preparación para examen. Hay un límite de tiempo de 6 minutos. Para tomar este examen gratis, haga clic en el botón “Agregar al carrito” y proceder a la comprobación, ignorando el mensaje de llamado para obtener detalles sobre el precio.

Price: Call for details
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Exames portugueses
Exame de Admissão BJCP (BJCP_2015_PT) -- Bem-vindo ao Exame de Admissão BJCP pela web!  Os principais materiais de estudo nos quais o exame está baseado são o Guia de Estudo BJCP e as Diretrizes de Estilo BJCP.  Ambos estão disponíveis gratuitamente em nosso website,, juntamente com outros materiais relacionados com julgamento, estilos e competições de cerveja.  Este exame é calibrado para ser quase tão difícil de passar quanto a parte escrita do Exame Legado BJCP, por isso, estude adequadamente.

Quando o exame for concluído você será informado se passou ou não.  Os que passam no exame se tornam juízes Provisional e devem prestar o Exame de Julgamento de Cervejas BJCP dentro de um ano, senão devem começar novamente.  Também é necessária uma cópia impressa de seu certificado para provar ao administrador do Exame de Julgamento de Cervejas que você passou no Exame de Admissão.  Boa sorte, desejamos sucesso neste exame e em sua missão para se tornar um juiz BJCP!

Price: $10.00
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Exame de Admissão BJCP 3 para 2 (BJCP_2015_PT_3para2) -- Bem-vindo ao Exame de Admissão BJCP pela web! Os principais materiais de estudo nos quais o exame está baseado são o Guia de Estudo BJCP e as Diretrizes de Estilo BJCP. Ambos estão disponíveis gratuitamente em nosso website,, juntamente com outros materiais relacionados com julgamento, estilos e competições de cerveja. Este exame é calibrado para ser quase tão difícil de passar quanto a parte escrita do Exame Legado BJCP, por isso, estude adequadamente. Quando o exame for concluído você será informado se passou ou não. Os que passam no exame se tornam juízes Provisional e devem prestar o Exame de Julgamento de Cervejas BJCP dentro de um ano, senão devem começar novamente. Também é necessária uma cópia impressa de seu certificado para provar ao administrador do Exame de Julgamento de Cervejas que você passou no Exame de Admissão. Boa sorte, desejamos sucesso neste exame e em sua missão para se tornar um juiz BJCP!

Price: $20.00
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Exemplos de Questões do Exame (BJCP_Portuguese_Exemplos) -- Esta é uma versão gratuíta com 20 questões para prática do Exame Introdutório BJCP afim de ajudar os juízes em potencial a testar sua aptidão ao exame. Existe um limite de tempo de 6 minutos. Para fazer este exame gratuíto clique no botão “Add to Cart” e proceda para o Checkout, ignorando a mensagem que fala em ligar para saber mais detalhes sobre o preço.

Price: Call for details
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BJCP网络入门考试 (BJCP_CN) -- 

欢迎参加基于BJCP世界啤酒分类指南》的BJCP网络入门考试!这个版本收费标准是一次考试机会收取10美元注册费。备考的核心材料为《BJCP考试学习指南》和《BJCP世界啤酒分类指南》。这些材料都能在BJCP的官方网站上免费获取, www.bjcp.org也可以配套使用与啤酒品酒啤酒种类啤酒比赛有关的其他材料



Price: $10.00
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BJCP网络入门考试-买2赠1选项 (BJCP_CN_3for2) -- 

欢迎参加基于2015 BJCP世界啤酒分类指南》的BJCP网络入门考试!这个版本收费标准是一次考试机会收取10美元注册费。备考的核心材料为《BJCP考试学习指南》和《2015 BJCP世界啤酒分类指南》。这些材料都能在BJCP的官方网站上免费获取, www.bjcp.org也可以配套使用与啤酒品酒啤酒种类啤酒比赛有关的其他材料

该中文题库由来自中国啤博士小组的志愿者们翻译整理。为方便中文考试备考中文版2015 BJCP世界啤酒分类指南》也已经由他们牵头的志愿者小组翻译完毕。在BJCP官网上可以下载,我们非常感谢这些中国志愿者的工作。


Price: $20.00
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